4 Popular Leadership Styles One Can learn from Mahabharat !

leadership style in mythology

Leadership! A term we often come around to.

Even after so many explanations being in the public domain for us, we always try to understand how leadership works and what is the crux behind being called a good leader.

To begin with, I would like to lay a simple elucidation for you before we commence into the further parts.

Leadership is a quality that an individual possesses which often means an ability to handle various situations and circumstances in a simpler yet such a way that drives people to put their best efficiency into the work assigned to them.

It’s an activity that maximizes effort through the social influence you make on people.

To make it crystal clear for you, let me begin by taking an exhaustive example from our epic Mahabharata which has always given us various prominent and relevant key aspects of being a leader.

Scene from Epic Mahabharta :

There is a scene that is depicted in the epic Mahabharata that features Kauravas and Pandavas along with Shri Krishna where Shri Krishna makes a last effort to resolve the carry out of the war that is about to happen between Kauravas and Pandavas by presenting himself in front of none other than Dhritarashtra in his court.

Dhritarashtra’s court is well adorned with gracious intricacies with the presence of both Bhishma Pitamah and Dronacharya.

On the other hand, there are Shakuni mama and Duryodhana too who are considered to be the greatest supporters of Kauravas accompanied by all the brothers.

Shri Krishna makes a delicate appearance in front of all the great leaders and begins to address the issue he thinks can be controlled and refrained away from.

Shri Krishna begins to emphasize the fact that the war that is about to happen can be avoided if Duryodhana accepts his mistake and gives Pandavas the liberty to have their rights.

In between the carry out of this whole conversation, Shakuni mama seems to be disoriented and chooses to make glances towards Duryodhana trying to make him disagree with the whole offer that Shri Krishna puts in front of the whole court.

To add more to it, he convinces Duryodhana that we cannot accept the agreement as if he does, we will end up losing the war even before we begin to fight it, which is unacceptable.

Duryodhana begins to put his thoughts on the same by claiming nobody can kill or harm him.

These are the words that he uttered in overconfidence and ended up denying the agreement that was brought by Shri Krishna.

Leadership Situations: Four Types of Leadership Styles ..

The crux of bringing out this whole scene in front of you was to make you comprehend that this is the same kind of circumstance we often come around in corporate sectors.

There are many leaders we often have to know who like to drive themselves with ego.

Most of you must have been around three types of people during your work meeting.

Type one is of people who always like to exaggerate the issue and keep declining resolvement,

another one that is of people who like to solve the issue and derive results.

And the last but the most found ones are of people who like to do nothing.

Many times, we are given the opportunity to mirror any one of such people as the decision is upon us to choose what we aspire to become.

Now, let’s reflect on this issue more exclusively.

I would like you to again keenly put light on the fact that there were many leaders present in the court in epic Mahabharata too which I would again like to put a beaming light upon.

There was the presence of Bhishma pitamah, guru dronacharya, and Dhritarashtra.

It is in your hands what character would you like to replicate in your life.

Would you like to be like Bhisma Pitamah who is respected by everyone in the court and yet chooses to not stop what’s wrong or

be like Guru Dronacharya who is an expert in the field and still chooses to keep himself out of making right decisions?

Another great example is Dhritarashtra who is blindfolded and chooses to keep himself away from any truth because he is also blinded by the love of his son

Or would you opt to be like Shri Krishna who chose to come up with a solution and is trying to make everyone understand the repercussions of war through love?

to Carry on with the scene

As a last choice, Shri Krishna puts another choice in front of the whole court which is to give Pandavas only five villages that can bring sustainability to the brothers if not anything.

To prevent any resolvement, Shakuni mama enters the conversation and begins to project his evil thoughts on Duryodhana by claiming they can grow those five villages into a state which can further be a reason to worry for them in the future.

  To support this, Duryodhana denies giving any piece of land to Pandavas and continues to be prominent on this.

You can see Duryodhana has a pattern of leadership that easily gets influenced by others and takes decisions on the basis of views.

We have clearly seen that Duryodhana is the one who is clearly dominating the meeting by his thought process.

In the end, I would like to mention that in our lives, during our working cycle in a dynamic corporate world,

we have to choose which role we would like to play according to our personality, which can often be difficult to choose.

We often become Dhritarashtra. Duryodhana, Bhishma Pitamah, and sometimes Shri Krishna too according to our needs and requirements.

We should know that a great leader is only an individual who leads with examples.

Someone capable of giving solutions, promoting good values without any personal agenda.

Every point a leader makes should be clear and on point which would further help

The followers have a clear understanding of what they are expected to bring to the table.

Hence, I would like you to put yourself in different scenarios and choose what type of leader would you like to be.

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