How Becoming an Extrovert Helped me in Big Career Jump?

bhuwan pant coach and Mentor

Got a little confession to make: I am an introvert!

That means that I recharge my emotional batteries by spending time alone.

Even though extroverts seem to have an easier way in the world, I have always liked being an introvert. 

I like my own company. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. 

It isn’t that I like my own company less, it’s just that I’m hungry for connection. 

This led me to wonder: Can an introvert choose to become an introvert?

….When I started my career

I realized that I was missing a lot in life being introverted.

When you want to see growth or success in your life, you have to market yourself to get noticed and heard.

Whenever I gave an interview, I wasn’t able to make it through despite having every skill and education. 

I would often choke in the middle of a speech and won’t be able to speak further.

I couldn’t communicate with my peers despite having equal capabilities. 

I could just STARE blankly while others prevailed in front of me.

I was all alone, with all the thoughts and ideas inside my head.

bhuwan pant coach and Mentor

I felt lonely at times while working, often felt like no one understands me.

I would often think if people think I am capable enough or not. 

So I finally sat down to analyze what was wrong – it was the inability to speak fluently. 

It was the shift from being an introvert to an extrovert that garnered me notice and recognition in my career.

Not just entrepreneurs, even a regular employee needs to have an outspoken mindset when it comes to working. 

So I worked on shifting my mindset and becoming an extrovert when it came to business.

Here are some of the techniques I used…

Pls. Note : An introvert doesn’t become an extrovert overnight

Step 1: I changed my mindset about Extroverts – Being extroverted doesn’t mean loud, crazy, or noisy.

I started to view extroverts in a positive light. Someone confident, speaks their mind, and stays unfazed by the opinion of others. 

Swapped my surroundings – I no longer wanted to be comfortable. 

I wanted to risk it to make it.

So I started to live in the lion’s den.

Yes, I associated with extroverts and people in the business where I had to speak, communicate and engage with people.

I became the lead. 

Practice Conversation – The second technique I used is to Talk with Strangers with Smile

I forced myself to have a conversation with anyone around me, even while traveling on Bus, Train, or maybe to kids but with a smile.

I try to start the conversation and then listened to them and responded to them with full confidence. 

The more familiar I became with these situations, the more comfortable I grew in my workplace. 


Act as a host in front of the Mirror –

I started practicing in front of the mirror as the host of an event who has to entertain and influence people with their words.

Pretend like I am hosting every event, talk to as many people as possible. Own the room!

This technique created a miracle for me and I become more confident in my office meetings and presentations.


Face them – This technique becomes a lifesaver for me … here it goes

If you are really intimidated by someone, say your boss or manager before a meeting.

Just place their photo in front of you or maybe write their name on a piece of paper and practice your presentation facing them so the fear is no longer there.

The trick is the more familiar you become with their faces, the more comfortable you’ll speak in the meeting. 

Applying All these techniques really paid off.


how to become an extrovert


And Things CHANGED for me –  RESULTS

My network got wider 

I was able to communicate and connect easily and confidently.

Become a team player or even a leader who raises his voice

And certainly, I loved my new-form charisma

Lastly, I am still an introvert but as certain situations demand a different side of you, be prepared to do so. 

My advice is to build a persona that’s powerful enough to speak and persuade others before entering the corporate world. 

What other skill has helped you achieve success in corporate life?

Hope you got many insights regarding how to become an extrovert …

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bhuwan pant coach and Mentor


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