He Developed and Sold 12 Properties in 2 Years : Success Talk with Very Young and Successful Abhishek Gupta


Here is my exclusive Chat with a very Successful Entrepreneur Abhishek Who has  Developed and Sold 12 Big Properties in 2years.

Must read if you are looking for a Career transition or Scaling your Business or maybe planning to Introduce a New Concept in the Market.

From Share Market to Property to Organic Products – Lets Check what Motivated and Pushed him in his Journey.

First Uncut Version of his Amazing Success Journey …

I am unstoppable and plan to take my idea across India and wish to be a part of India’s growth story by creating an infrastructure for thousands of students and employees who are rewriting India’s destiny.

My story is a typical case of innovation driven by a solution to a problem. This problem turned out to be a major trigger for my growth story.

In my college days, I watched the life of my friends who lived in hostels. They were expensive, badly maintained with below-average food. Forget security & first aid. Even then I tried to do things to better their hostel life but indifferent authorities blocked my attempts.

I saw opportunity & analyzed the possibility of affordable & better co-living spaces for students with top facilities.

I could cut the cost of living in such hostels to half, which got me really excited.

A friend who was working in a company and finding difficulty in finding a rental home inspired me to think of providing my living spaces to employees too.

Like all new ideas, my idea was resisted by property dealers who thought there was no scope for such spaces. But my conviction told me to go ahead & go ahead I did.

I invested all the money I had earned from my Options Trading, took seed funding from my family to bring my idea into a reality. I invested every penny I had earned behind my idea.

In 8 months I had a property ready but no takers. The warnings of property dealers seemed to sound right after all. I had a heartbreaking, agonizing six months in which I could not rent it out.

But an innovator that I was, I decided to change my marketing approach.

I personally began placing banners offline near institutional & industrial areas.

I also visited colleges and companies and tried to convince them why my property made sense. This was the most difficult phase of my life.

Thankfully, I not only was able to rent my unoccupied property but within the next 2 years I had leased & sold 12 properties to investors who wanted a good return to investment.

I proved to myself that great ideas can be really successful.

Excerpts of Our Chat …

1) Tell us More about Yourself and Your Journey as an Entrepreneur?

A: I believe passion brings success. My passion has been consistently focused upon two sectors- real estate and financial markets.

When the time came to choose, I stuck to both of them to build my successful journey.

My journey started in 2017, and it has been excellent since then.

As you know, how entrepreneurial can be, I’ve also met with my share of failure and success, but I’ve always tried to enjoy both.

I started my work with incredible work and determination as real estate requires you to come prepared.

Now I’ve successfully constructed and sold various buildings alongside multiple satisfied clients in the financial markets.

The primary qualities that anyone can have when starting out are the willingness to put in a significant effort and perseverance.

Especially in real estate, things take into action after months and months of hard work and determination.

Apart from these basic much-needed capabilities, there’s innovation, creativity, and deep love for the job you are doing to build a long journey.

With more time into my journey, I anticipate more innovative endeavors in real estate presently.

2) What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

A: I realised the 9 to 5 cycle wasn’t for me from the very beginning of my career.

I simply can’t remember when I didn’t want to become an entrepreneur.

The desire to become self-dependent, financially free and entrepreneurship’s continuous challenges give me a thrill.

I love what I do, and I took this work anticipating risk, new challenges and stress, so I don’t backpedal when such things actually happen.

The lifestyle appealed to me more than the rest of the alternatives. I loved the idea to set my own rules and create my own environment.

I’ve realised that the smarter and harder I work, the more success I can make in my career. I believe that’s the way everyone should be.

3) What have you achieved till now in your journey?

A: I believe relationships are the key in life. At the end of the day, we are all humans, and we need one another to trust.

Both in personal and professional life, relationships make or break your life.

Building a strong connection with someone takes time and trust, without which the business will not grow.

Life can be pretty tricky for budding entrepreneurs if they don’t focus on investing in people rather than the work.

I’ve always prioritised relationships over anything in 5 years of my career.

4) What are the Secret ingredients of your success?

A: Well, the era of hard work isn’t just enough for your success, you also need to work smartly.

Work diligently while solving problems and being passionate about the work you do will definitely get you going.

Don’t stay in your comfort zone at all.

Your entrepreneurial journey will be uncomfortable, unusual, complex, and problematic because the job is dynamic.

Each month you grow, your business changes, and you latch on to new problems. It’s the way it’s supposed to be.

You can’t guarantee anything, except for being uncomfortable on the journey. Embrace the new changes, don’t ask for a mundane lifestyle.


5) How Our Coaching helped you in your journey?

A: I feel a coach plays the role of a catalyst in an entrepreneur’s life. Everyone needs a coach who would help you clear the path and accelerate the journey on the road of success.

6) What are the key breakthroughs or Insights you got from my coaching?

A: Like a diamond is mined, coaching polished me, shaped my opinions and beliefs while I realised my value and clarity in life.

The coaching from you was an eye-opener for me, but at the same time, it only assured me to do things extensively.

You’ve helped me identify and focus on things that are important to me.

As young people, we burst with ideas and action plans, but you can’t do everything at once.

With your help, I could point out my blind spots and figure out the things I was missing.

Your coach has impacted my life in many ways, from gaining a competitive edge to advancing my personal growth and, most importantly, holding myself accountable.

I think it’s still not enough to say how your coaching has shifted my career and life, which I am eternally grateful for.

7) Can you share some of the big results you got after completing your coaching ME?

A:- I am more confident and can make the right spontaneous decisions with a focused mind.

I have learned that negotiation and coaching inclined me towards the spiritual journey, assisting me with accomplishing my latent capacity.

I’ve also become more effective and influential to others.

Since you are such a clear communicator, relate with people effectively, listen mindfully and influence, motivate and support more people who reach out to you, I’ve tried to imitate the same with my clients.

I try to create relationships with my partners and clients.

I’ve learned hundreds of communication and listening skills from you and applied them to my clients for building more significant relationships.


8) What are the essential ingredients of your entrepreneur Journey?

A: Family goes about as the spine for anybody to stand up tall.

When you take the risky lane, you’ll need more than reassurance when things don’t go a certain way.

You also need motivation and support from not just yourself but also your loved ones.

After all, the fruits of success are meant to be shared with the family members.

It’s the people who you want to make proud at the end of the day, not the world.

Having a powerful support system, in my case, my family has helped me go through many obstacles thinking I’ll assuredly find a way.

Becoming an entrepreneur can be emotionally draining and time-consuming.

It’s stressful for both you and your family members.

The problem arises when the family members are unsupportive or resentful of your new career path.

You don’t want that to happen to you cause it will impact you in this journey, one way or another.

I’m fortunate to have a family that has upheld me through various challenges while having complete faith in me and my work.

We’ve been through every thick and thin, but the love and support have been unshakeable.

9) What’s your no 1 Advice to People looking to Start their Entrepreneur journey?

Answer- I would advise you to find a good mentor who supports, influences, and understands you.

You cannot get tired, be passionate, and aim for the moon. Through hard work, the sky’s the limit.

10) What is your secret Quote which you follow?

Answer- “Persistence is the Key”. Follow your Passion, Work Hard, and no one can stop you from being successful.

Lastly, You can connect to Mr. Abhishek Gupta at abhisrealtech@gmail.com to know about his Realestate Concept and other things.


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